Sunday, December 19, 2010

描述 Description

別名 Common Name:
多花毬兰、蜂出巢、火箭毬兰 Shooting Star

学名 Scientific Name:
Hoya multiflora

科別 Family Name:
蘿藦科 Asclepiadaceae

属別 Genus Name:
毬兰屬  Hoya

原产地 Origin:
中國雲南、中南半島、印尼、菲律賓Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines

植物照料 Plant Care: 

其他注释 Others Note

回溯  1810年由羅伯特布朗在 Prodromus 首度發表毬蘭屬(Hoya)這類植物

Hoya 為紀念英國 Thomas Hoy 所命名  流星毬蘭種名 multiflora 意即「多花」的意思
每一枝腋生的花序  多花性可多達四十朵  亦有「多花毬蘭」之別稱

蘿藦科(Asclepiadaceae)通常都具有典型的副花冠  然流星毬蘭副花冠卻與另一個花冠相距甚遠
因而形成特殊迴異的流星狀  這正也是英文名稱 Shooting Star Hoya 的說法
倘若科技電影看多了  她又像是一艘艘太空船大舉準備侵略般的模樣  具有十分的視覺效果

毬蘭多具有蜜腺  某些品種的花具有毛絨絨的外觀  五個小圓點的蜜腺清晰可見
透過小拇指也可扮演一下  當個傳媒的角色或是品嘗那蜜腺  體驗大自然特殊的傑作
流星毬蘭原產於中國雲南、中南半島、印尼以及菲律賓  屬蔓狀灌木 
一開始的她會呈現灌木狀  長大後不扶必斜則呈現蔓狀  在台灣多栽培於室內觀賞 
流星毬蘭花期幾乎全年不間斷  一枝花序謝了  另一枝花序卻正等待著開花 
一波接著一波的流星  如果您有心願  不必仰頭看星空  地上就可以看見了  豈不美哉
也許  遇見如此多的流星  遇見她的美麗後  心願早已不翼而飛也說不定

Hoyas are tropical vines that grow better if kept above 50°, even though some species tolerate near freezing temperatures for a while.

They grow in the shade and don't need a lot of water. Keep the soil slightly dry. Wet soils can kill a Hoya fast. Hoyas are very good indoors and are very popular for that reason. They don't like big pots and bloom better when root bound. Some people grow them in hanging baskets and let them cascade. Others use a small trellis to wrap the vines around. Hoyas are epiphytes, like orchids, therefore the potting soil has to be porous. I suggest that you get a good quality potting soil and mix about 1/3 of an orchid mix (bark, perlite, charcoal.) Fertilization is average. Once Hoyas start to bloom they do so almost continuously but more during the warm weather. Some Hoyas are also very fragrant and some species even smell like chocolate.

A scandent plant with very unique blooms, of waxy texture. The clusters of yellow and white
flowers are arranged like a shooting stars display. Some people say the real name is Hoya javanica.
SIZE : 12" - 18"
LIGHT REQUIREMENTS : filtered light
WATER REQUIREMENTS : keep it more on the moist side
MIN. TEMP. : high 50's
FLOWER : year round
COMMENTS : grows more like a bush, doesn't need a trellis

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